
When it comes to disease prevention, immunizations are key. Getting vaccinated protects you and those around you. Pharmacare's main focus is to help you and your loved ones stay up-to-date on the recommended vaccines. We offer a variety of immunizations, including:
- COVID-19 vaccine (Click Here)
- Influenza (flu) vaccines
- Recommended or routine adult vaccinations (e.g. MMR, Hepatitis B)
- A vaccine to prevent pneumonia (e.g. Pneumovax, Prenvar)
- A vaccine to prevent shingles (e.g. Shingrix)
- Worksite Flu Clinics
Click here to find a convenient location near you.
Vaccination Updates

- Free Flu Shots are still available! Call your favorite Pharmacare Pharmacy for more information.
- Shingrix shots available at select Pharmacare pharmacies. Call one of our pharmacies below for more information: